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Making an Impact with Educational Programming

The sponsored PTSO Educational programming* for our kids at Sharon High School is possible due to your donations during SHS PTSO Sponsorship drive. THANK YOU!


*Programming is developed with the guidance and support of SHS faculty.


Questions? Please contact the Educational Programming Co-chairs. 


PTSO Educational Programming Events

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Financial Reality Fair 2019
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Financial Literacy Reality Fair 


A reality fair is a simulation of an adult’s financial life that allows participants to experience making financial decisions and managing money. Participants can experience what it is like to manage an account at a financial institution, make money-related decisions, obtain a loan, manage debt, and more. For youth, a reality fair can be an eye-opening, exciting, and fun way to build financial knowledge and skills.


Every year, the entire junior class will attend the SHS Financial Reality Fair.  Each student will be assigned an occupation, allotted a comparable salary, and given a budget planning form in advance.  During the fair, they will be required to visit multiple booths that represent a variety of common living expenses.  By the end of the fair, they will have had to develop an acceptable monthly budget and overcome any unexpected financial obstacles.





Past Educational Programming Events

Past SHS Community Talks & Forums


  • Joani Geltman, M.S.W. – 11/5/14, 10/26/17 - ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY: THE JOYS (?) AND CHALLENGES OF PARENTING TEENS - The workshop will address how to stay ahead of the parenting game. Free Community Event - Adults Only


  • Joni Siani – 3/30/16, 12/8/16, – Celling Your Soul – Award-Winning Documentary followed by discussion. 

In one short decade, we have totally changed the way we interact with one another. The Millennials and iGenerations, the first to be socialized in a digital world, are now feeling the unintended consequences saying enough is enough. Celling Your Soul: No App For Life evaluates the paradox of our love/hate relationship with our digital devices, provides empowering strategies for more balanced and authentic human connectivity within the digital landscape. Free Community Event - Adults Only


  • Jon Mattleman – 4/27/15 – 50 Shades of … Parenting: Before they have children, adults often think idyllically about what their child will grow up to be like. Of course, by the time that child enters the "teen years," the vision of a harmonious and peaceful life is often a distant memory! Every parent of a teen knows that learning more about this life stage not only helps their child grow in healthy ways, but also benefits parents... and for that matter, everyone else in the house! 

This workshop addresses: What teens really want from parents, How parents can manage their own expectations,  What teens are stressed by, How parents can assist teens in improving their mental health. Free Community Event - Adults Only




  • College Bound Citizens – Citizens Bank educational sessions for financing college (2/6/2020) ​​


  • Tearless Writing (5/2019)


  • HUGS program – Escalation – 4/11/18 (Adults screening) – On 4/12/18,

11th and 12th graders participated in the workshop that consisted of the film followed by a guided discussion led by a trained facilitator from One Love. After watching the film, workshop participants dove into a discussion about the film discussing the early warning signs of relationship abuse and what they can do if they witness or experience these warning signs.  Adults were invited the night prior to preview the documentary, discussion followed.


  • RAD – 1/18-2/18 

Self Defense Course for girls






Sharon Hight School PTSO
181 Pond St, Sharon, MA 02067 
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The Sharon High School PTSO is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization which supports Sharon High School

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