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PTSO Check Request Form
  • Checks may be written directly to the pertinent vendor or as reimbursement to a SHS staff/club or PTSO committee member.

  • SHS PTSO Board and Committee members, please submit any reimbursements request no later than June 28th.

  • PTSO Educational and Club Grants, please submit any payment/reimbursement request not later than June 1st

  • Please allow 24-48 hours to process payment.


SHS PTSO Academic/Club Grants

Apply for a SHS PTSO grant. General information about grant limits, requirements, and deadlines.


PTSO Board and Committee Chairs ONLY page 

Password Protected page where Board members and Committee Chairs can view/downloads the PTSO's certificate of Exception, PTSO's 501(c)(3) confirmation status, past and present budgets and the like. Please check past emails from Website manager to locate password or send a request to get the password to the Website Manager

Request a new Committee's webpage/update an existing webpage
  • To request a new webpage for your committee, please send a write up with all the information you would like to have in your new webpage page (links to forms/documents, pictures, contact information) to the website manager. Please allow 5-7 days for new webpage to appear in the PTSO website.

  • To request updates on an exiting webpage, please send a write up with all changes, including new links and pictures  to the website manager. Please allow 2-3 days to all updates to appear in the PTSO website. 


PTSO Website QR codes

Committee Chairs please add the website code to all your flyers for easy access to the PTSO website

FOR SHS Parents/Guardians and Students:

Sharon Hight School PTSO
181 Pond St, Sharon, MA 02067 
  • Facebook

The Sharon High School PTSO is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization which supports Sharon High School

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